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CRISPR’s Future in Food Depends on Consumers

“This is a critical year for CRISPR,” says Rodolphe Barrangou, a “CRISPR pioneer” and one of the scientists who first identified the bacteria in yogurt as a...

The CRISPR Journal Issue 6 is Out

Though CRISPR* is poised to solve many of the technical challenges inherent to manipulating the human genome, recent events have caused many to ask not...

Defining the Future of CRISPR

For food scientist Rodolphe Barrangou, good scientific research is like a gourmet meal. “The way we do research at NC State essentially is enabling me...

The CRISPR Whisperer

Rodolphe Barrangou ’00 MS, ’04 Ph.D., felt out of place. There he was, his sleek 6-foot-2 frame tucked into a new tuxedo, mingling at an...